What is it about San Francisco? Why does it attract deviants, dreamers, and crazies. Charles Manson got his following from the Haight-Ashbury section of flower children. Juan Corona killed twenty-five teansient laborers. John Frazier killed five to halt pollution. Herb Mullin slew thirteen people in four months to prevent an earthquake. Patricia Hearst killed with cyanide bullets and there was the Jim Jones's People's Temple, and Dan White.
In history there always was murder and slayings but they didn't occur in a regimented order until the 1950's. True there are more people but it seems there was a lull during the depression. Maybe people were too busy surviving to think of anything else but after 1950 psychological killings made a big jump. Example-the Zodiac killer. These killers seemed to be incapable of fitting into society as it existed. Now don't think they all, or most all, came from single parent famlies. That isn't always true. I think the sheer population explosion may be the biggest cause. When I was born in 12/27/38 there was 150,000,000 people in the United States. Now there are over 300,000,000. You can throw in the advent of television and the instant reporting of news. Even in the early 50's your news came on TV at 7:45 PM, only lasting 15 minutes. Now the news and weather are an event lasting anywhere from half an hour to two hours. There was usually only one channel to watch and there were four networks which were active. ABC,NBC, CBS, and the Dumont network. Well I guess that dates me. By the way the Dumont Network lasted only a short while.
Well, maybe San Francisco may not be all that bad. It's just the idea that the Zodiac gave people some cryptograms to work with which gave the public something to solve. As I mentioned some days ago these "puzzles" are very addictive and attract many different personality types. Especially those who are trying to make a "name" for themselves. This all falls in line with the normal run of human nature. Throw me into that group.
NOW: Is the Zodiac still alive? Quite possibly, but he would be around 70 years old and his problem of being rejected by good looking women would no longer be a problem. Would his mental state have changed. Very little.
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