Thursday, May 30, 2013

Mike Mageau & Note to Ricardo Gomez

Source: Zodiac Unmasked

     On March 24, 1992, George Bawart decided to recontact victim Mike Mageau and show him a six-photo spread. Now remember this is some twenty years after the Blue Rock Springs incident. George I believe worked for the Vallejo Police Department. His wife was at the L. A. Airport so he set up a little spread with Leigh Allen, Harvey Hine's suspect and the rest were INS, NIS, and CHP officers for fillers. George didn't think Mike would recognize anybody in the black and white pictures which were old style photos. He gave Mike the lineup admonishment and gave him the pictures. He looked at them for half a minute and said "That's the man who shot me." He pointed to Arthur Leigh Allen. Bawart was surprised.


     I looked at the Zodiac disc and the Mike Mageau interview. He said that Darlene Ferrin turned around and saw the car behind them. She said the name Richard not Rick. Also Officer Fouke in the beeped out sentence said the stranger on Jackson Street walked up to either 1012 Jackson or 12 Jackson Street. That's the best I could make out from the movement of his lips. I ran it by on repeat on my flat screen about twenty times. I'm almost sure the last movement of his lips mouthed the number twelve.



  1. The address Officer Fouke said that was bleeped out was 3712 Jackson Street. This I have been told from someone who spoke directly to Fouke about it. .

  2. As I was watching it, I was wondering why they didn't put a black bar over his mouth for that very reason. Or, better yet, why ever leave that part in.

  3. Well they had to leave it in really because Fouke had never revealed this bit of info for several decades until doing so in The Documentary so for the Documentary Director it's an exclusive and never before made public piece of info. I think the reason Fouke gave the extra detail of the actual house Number is give extra credence to this claim that he probably knows will be met with scepticism. In the Doc. he refers to the suspect turning up some steps and then asks: "You want the address of that residence?" He asks this as if to say: "What? You don't believe that he turned onto a house driveway? Well I'll even give you the address."
