Source: Zodiac Unmasked
As of 1992: " Being of sound mind, if not in body, I hereby put to paper my last will and testament. I will update this documentas conditions warrant, so this computer version will always be the last and most current will and testament. In cases of printed copies, the date on the copy will determine whether it is the most recent version of the will. All pages must be signed and dated by me, as well as the end of the last page. "
" First and foremost I wish to have it known that, due to whatever circumstances, I enter a vegitative state, that all life support systems be disconnected and whatever of my body organs that can be used to help others be utilized for that purpose upon my death."
"Diskettes are located in the yellow-loose-leaf binder next to the printer into the top slot of the computer," Allen had instructed. " This is known as the "A" drive. With the elephant log on the top right toward you until it clicks. Push the "push" button in so it clicks also. Push the power button in so the red light goes on. Insert the DATA disk into the lower slot (the "B" drive) until it clicks, then push the "Push" in as well. Now press the "enter" key on the keyboard. A small light will appear on the "A" drive and the computer will hum. Some printing will cycle onto the screen. When a request for the date or time appears, pressw the "entry" key a couple times until the "A Prompt" (A>) appears. "
" As for my brother, Ronald Allen. . . . I was very deeply hurt by the total lack of support by his whole family during my recent conflict with the law. I still love my brother very much, which made the hurt all the deeper. I was hurt (but not surprised at all) when my sister-in-law took pains to phone me several times to tell me they were so broke that I couldn't expect any financial help from them at all. Then they went right out and bought 3 Hondas, including a brand new Accord. Some poverty case! Still, if there is anything he wants for himself after all the above is sorted through, he is welcome to it. He'll be getting the house anyway, which should be worth a couple of bucks."
Allen was terminally ill and was expected to die soon.
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