Friday, August 9, 2013

Psycho IV

         Along about this time the people in the studio get into a fight. Fran, the hostess, wants to try her method of talking to Norman while the psychiatrist still wants to use his method. The psychiatrist finally leaves the program and everything calms down.

         One night Norman's mother comes home with a man named Chet Rudolph, a bartender. Norman watches from his mother's bedroom window while they go into a motel room and proceed to make love. The next morning when Norman comes down to the kitchen his mother asks him if he saw them go into a motel room because she saw Norman looking down at them from the house. Norman says "Since when did you start hanging around cheap bars?" This makes his mother angry and about then Chet comes down from the upstairs bedroom. Norman's mother says "You two say hello to each other." Norman tells Chet to take his father's robe off. Norman leaves for school.

         Chet thinks it's time for Norman to have some boxing lessons so he gets two pair of boxing gloves and they go down the stone stairs to a grassy spot and put the gloves on. Chet tries to get Norman to throw a punch and ends up hitting Norman lightly. Chet gets more and more angry at Norman for being so passive and tells him to throw one of his punches to get even. Chet finally pops Norman in the jaw and knocks him out. Norma comes by and just shakes her head. Norman is bleeding at the corner of the mouth slightly and that's the end of the boxing lesson.

         The scene changes to night-time and Norman has an older woman in a '49 green Buick Roadmaster and they're necking when suddenly Norman says he has to go up to the house to give his mother her medicine. It's probably the mother half of Norman's brain that is making him do this.             (to be continued)

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