Friday, August 2, 2013

Psycho IV

         One of the first killing encounters that Norman had as a young man was with a young girl who had amorous intentions. She pulls up in a '41 or '46 Ford coupe, a car that would bring a high price to auto fans today, and asks if he wants to go and look at the fireworks in the park. He says no and that he can't because he has to watch the motel and his mother. This would have been his original mother, the one he poisoned with strychnine. A customer says he has a plugged up drain and while he goes to cabin #6 to fix it his girl-friend sneaks up to the mansion on the hill. When he comes back he can't find her so he also goes up to the house and finds her there. He suggests they go into his bedroom and she begins to disrobe. In the middle of that the mother part of his mind kicks in and he thinks he hears the mother and excuses himself. While he disappears she gets up, puts on a bathrobe and goes into the mother's bedroom and pokes the mother's feet. She doesn't know it but Norman has put on a wig and dress and is carrying a butcher knife. He comes out of the shadows and attacks his girl and stabs her to death. This is the mother part of his demented mind that makes him do this and I think this is the first killing in the list of many.
         The conversation between Fran Ambrose and Norman goes on and on and he mentions the fact that he stuffed her after robbing the grave of her body and weighing down the coffin with books to make up for her body. He also mentions the fact that he carried on conversations with her corpse but he couldn't make her voice sound as sweet as it did when she was alive. Norman would dress up in her clothes and talk to himself in her voice and answer in his own. This went on for many years. He was never all Norman but often only mother. The mother half was the dominant half of his split mind.

         When Norman was 5 or 6 his father died. The DVD says he was stung to death by bees. This doesn't scam with Psycho III which said Norman's father was killed by Miss Spool. The disc shows Norman and his mother sitting in the funeral parlor with a handkerchief over the father's face to cover up the spots stung by the bees. Norman giggles after his mother tickles him and she slaps him for his giggling. She did this on purpose. be continued.

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