It seems strange that the tape of the Zodiac calling the police was lost. It seems that maybe someone that worked at the VPD might have taken it but this is only an assumption. More than one person had heard that tape. The tape would have given the police a voice graph of the killer which would be very, very helpful. Maybe it's still around.
Lila Crane then, after she had gone through the upstairs rooms, went back downstairs. In the meantime the conversation between Sam Loomis and Norman Bates in the office had become more abrasive. Finally, Norman said,"where's the woman you came here with ?" Norman hits Sam over the head and starts up the steps towards the mansion. Lila sees him coming and hurries around to the steps in the hall leading to the cellar. Norman comes in, stops, and goes upstairs. Lila looks toward the cellar, then looks up, and then looks again toward the cellar. She then goes down cellar. Then she goes into the next room which is the fruit cellar and sees Mrs. Bates in a chair. She taps her on the right shoulder and Mrs. bates slowly turns around. Lila sees a skeleton that has been dead many years. She screams. It's then that Norman comes rushing in with his mothers clothes on with a butcher knife in his hand shouting "I'm Norma Bates." There's so much screaming in the movie houses that most don't hear Norman at all. Sam Loomis comes in and wrestles Norman to the floor.
The next scene is the sheriff's office in Fairvale City Hall. All involved are there. Simon Oakland plays the psychiatrist. He comes in and says the following. "I got the information but not from Norman, I got it from his mother, that is the mother portion of Norman's mind. Norman doesn't exist. He only half existed to begin with." Lila says, "Did he kill my sister?" The psychiatrist says, "Yes..........and no." He explains that there were two people in Norman's mind, Norman and his overbearing mother. The guilt caused this and there was a constant conflict in his mind. Norman was often both personalities. He could speak in his mother's voice, Virginia Gregg & Jeannette Nolan, and answer in his own. He was never all Norman but he was often only "mother." "When the mind houses two personalities, there is always a battle. Norman stole the corpse from the grave. A weighted coffin was buried. Norman stuffed her full of sawdust and treated her body with chemicals so she would keep as best she would. He was jealous of her so he assumed she was as jealous of him. But, when reality came too close he dressed up as mother with a cheap wig he bought, a dress and a butcher knife and killed whomever was in the way. She was there but she was a corpse.
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