Monday, April 22, 2013

The Most Dangerous GameThe Most Dangerous

The Most Dangerous Game was 1 1932 RKO movie based on Richard Connell's 1924 short story about the tale of a mad hunter, Count Zaroff, who uses fake channel lights to lure passing ships onto the rocky reefs just off his island stronghold. the survivors of the sunken ships become human game to be hunted in the count's private jungle. Zaroff, played by Leslie Banks, is a tall, suave Russian with a jagged scar on his forehead. The injury has become a symbol of his madness. " My life has become one glorious hunt," he tells his prisoners. " It would be impossible for me to tell you how many animals I have killed. One night as I was lying in my tent with this --this head of mine, a terrible thought crept like a snake into my brain: hunting animals was beginning to bore me....when I lost my love for hunting, I lost my love of life, of love. Here on my island I hunt the most dangerous game, that of humans." "Only after the kill does man know the true ectasy of love," says Zarloff. :It is the natural instinct. Kill, then love!" says Zarloff. "When you have known that you have known ectasy!" With his pack of dogs, the count, dressed all in black, his costume's folds gathered andcinched at wrists and ankles, a foot long knife in a sheath on his left side, a rifle in his right hand, races through the fog in persuit of a young couple.

As a side note it should be noted the Zodiac's identity may have been concealed in the cipher sent to the S. F. Chronicle. Two others were sent to the S. F. Examiner and the Vallejo Times-Herald respectively. As I tried Arthur Leigh Allen's name it fit all but for the need of one more L. But----as I tried the second name, using letters positioned the correct way, it was a perfect fit! There were just enough letters! Before I went any further, my associate, Ricardo X, was going to research this to see if this person was alive and for further information. More will probably follow.

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